The wisdom of Octavia Butler we need right now
Why continuing to try to predict the future in a moment of impossibly heavy uncertainty might be one of our keys to changing course.
Why continuing to try to predict the future in a moment of impossibly heavy uncertainty might be one of our keys to changing course.
A statutory debt ceiling disconnected from the regular budget process is just a posturing opportunity for leaders who refuse to govern responsibly within the system they ostensibly lead.
Two major Supreme Court cases decided last week show where we need to focus our attention if we hope to create a framework for guiding and regulating our public sphere.
Two cases this week about Section 230 and social media liability for terrorism could affect the next generation of information and media systems and their influence on our public sphere.
As much fun as was had last week watching the hammering Speaker McCarthy took on the way to the gavel, if it really is "The People's House", then it's our house that's on fire. So what do we do?
The 2022-ness of what we're living through started well before this cycle, and we need to embrace both a longer horizon and new everyday, always-on approach to our civic life to find a new path.
When the Supreme Court extends beyond its own expansive reach, not only are the basic functions of government in jeopardy but so is our system of checks and balances.
History, culture, suffering, and how we might begin to find our way to a safer, freer future.
With a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overruling Roe v Wade in hand, what does this say about America, about how we got here, and where we need to go?
A state senator from Michigan is showing us what strength that is neither angry nor mean can look like.
Our increasingly power-centric, incumbent-centric civic systems are confirming that our leaders no longer trust us or their own leadership -- if they ever did.
We need to talk about what we're really talking about when we talk about the filibuster: our desperate need for our leaders to govern.