The wisdom of Octavia Butler we need right now
Why continuing to try to predict the future in a moment of impossibly heavy uncertainty might be one of our keys to changing course.
Why continuing to try to predict the future in a moment of impossibly heavy uncertainty might be one of our keys to changing course.
If damage is the strategy, then the cracks are our guide to the work our democracy needs from us, win or lose.
The most important insight might not be anything that happens in the simulated Situation Room but what kept one of the characters from ending up on the wrong side of the "war".
A wonderful, posthumous gift from David Graeber invites us to think differently about the roots of democratic culture and the functioning of democratic communities.
The 2022-ness of what we're living through started well before this cycle, and we need to embrace both a longer horizon and new everyday, always-on approach to our civic life to find a new path.
Examining where, how, and for whom democracy shows up in culture can point us toward where and how we need to engage new conversations about reclaiming our democracy.
We need to talk about what we're really talking about when we talk about the filibuster: our desperate need for our leaders to govern.
There is no "too late" here: investigate, prosecute, expel, imprison.
Our national civic health needs justice every bit as much as our public health needs the vaccine.
Can a new credibility system help rebuild trust online (and off)?
What is required is a new foundation, a new American story that redeems everyone who has been forced to accept that their value, the meaning of their lives is defined primarily in economic terms, to survive and to recover into a new future. We have been sold this idea slowly