The wisdom of Octavia Butler we need right now
Why continuing to try to predict the future in a moment of impossibly heavy uncertainty might be one of our keys to changing course.
Why continuing to try to predict the future in a moment of impossibly heavy uncertainty might be one of our keys to changing course.
Media Systems
Most discussion about generative AI tools has centered around the challenges and opportunities posed by synthetic content. Now that these agents are taking actions for us, what impacts might ceding that agency have on us and on society?
Who does the hyperpolarized, hyperpartisan narrative in American politics really benefit? And is it getting in our way of something better...
The work of party building is always ongoing, but emerging from our current dysfunction to build something new requires a deep commitment to transform a party that has been stuck for...a while.
The cracks are the map. Passive. Disconnected. Condescending. Exclusionary. Neoliberal. All solvable if we go straight at each of these perceptions or failures of the Democratic Party.
Examining the relationship between wealth, self-esteem, and community value might help us unlock new paths to transforming our economy and reclaiming our civic life.
The Democratic Party has been in the wilderness for a long time now. Perhaps the consequences are stark enough, the excuses flimsy enough that we can finally embrace real transformation.
If damage is the strategy, then the cracks are our guide to the work our democracy needs from us, win or lose.
Our Federal courts may have accidentally turned Section 230 into the tool it was meant to be.
The most important insight might not be anything that happens in the simulated Situation Room but what kept one of the characters from ending up on the wrong side of the "war".
Slowing down might help us unlock the creativity and the kindness we desperately need right now.
The stories we share can transform us and our communities and our society. But artists must be willing to accept the responsibility that comes with those powers.